Friday, July 12, 2013

Snips and Snails #5

          Could it really be that time already?  Then bring on the Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday!  Today’s snippet is a continuation from my short story, Snips and Snails.  So far, we’ve met the monster in the young boy’s closet and found out their relationship is anything but typical.  Check out the earlier posted snippets for the full back story.  Here we find the two in the middle of some more monster/bloodling bonding.  Drop a comment if you care to.  They are always appreciated!  Don’t forget to go over to and check out all of the great writing from a truly talented group of authors posted weekly over there.  You’ll be glad you did. 
          “Check this out, Booger.”
          Turning to the computer, the boy typed something into the keyboard and a web page sprung up.
          Remember the oath - the creature repeated the mantra over and over in his thoughts.  The tradition passed down among generations was his to uphold and he wouldn’t allow shame to befall him and his lineage because of this human pup.
          Bending over the boy’s shoulder, the creature stared into the screen and said, “Do not call me that.”
          The boy clicked the mouse and said, “They call this one two mimes, a jackhammer, and an albino goat.”
          The creature’s hand involuntarily shot up to its mouth and shielded the screen from view in a decidedly unfrightening stance.
          “By Beezlebub’s blackened beard, turn that sickness off, bloodling.”
          Laughing hysterically, the boy spun around in the chair and typed in something else. 
          “If you thought that one was bad, wait until I get the next one loaded.”

          I hope you enjoyed this week’s snippet.  Come back next week to see what these two are up to next.  Thanks and have a great weekend.


  1. Well, it's becoming plain to see who the REAL monster is, that's for sure.

    PS - Black text on white! Yay. Awesome. (I forgot to thank you for that earlier). So much easier on my noggin.

    1. They do have a complicated relationship. Through the eyes of a babe and all. No problem on the visual change - we aim to please here at S.A.-Mart. Please fill out a customer satisfaction survey.

  2. I always smile at any character named Booger, because it always reminds me of the movie Revenge of the Nerds. :-)

    1. How CAN you go wrong with a character named Booger? Thanks for the comments, T.M.

  3. Two mimes, a jackhammer, and an albino goat?! I'm afraid to ask. ;)

    1. Ha. I wanted to take it way over the top and, unfortunately, that's become increasingly hard to do.

  4. Okie dokie, that boy's pretty scary...of course, mimes are too... Great little snippet. Had me grinning.

    1. I thought I'd kick it up a notch with the mimes. Maybe a should have put a warning/disclaimer up front. Rated M for Mimes.

  5. I think monsters under the bed (or in the closet) have fallen on hard times.

  6. I wonder what oath "Booger" has sworn to uphold? And how did he get himself in this situation?

    Very entertaining snippet, as usual!

    1. The oath and his current predicament is revealed in the coming snippets - but no more mimes. Thanks for commenting!

  7. This is why little boys can't have computers in their rooms. And why monsters should be a bit more strict with their secret charges, which is what I'm assuming the relationship is, but we'll see!

    1. Ha. Then he'd probably just switch over to his laptop or tablet or smartphone. There's so much technology for kids today. We thought we were cutting edge playing Pong on the old 2600.

  8. That's what parental controls are for...though kids these days could probably figure out a workaround.

    I like how protective the monster is. They definitely have an interesting (and cute) relationship.

    1. Thanks! Their relationship will be defined a little more in the next few snippets. Glad you enjoyed it!

  9. I'm now having serious doubts as to which one of this pair is actually the 'monster'. >.<
