Sometimes, time just has a way of slipping by. What you could swear was only a few weeks ago
was actually months, and months have a way of turning into years. It happens to us all at times, but every once
in a while, we’re still caught by surprise.
Need an example? Glad you asked!
It was just another day at the American Mythology HQ. I parked in the “supplemental” parking lot,
as usual, and had to take two buses, a subway, rickshaw, and zip line to make
it over to the offices. The closer
parking lot is reserved for what editor-in-chief, Mike Wolfer, likes to call
employees who actually “do” things.
Whatever that means.
Anyway, I showed up extra early, say around ten thirty, and
made my way into the lobby, passed the bronze statue of comic scribe, the
notorious J.C. Vaughn. (It looks so life-like!
The statue – not the person.) I jumped
on the special ser-vice elevator,
which I was told was French for really important people, and I headed on up.
Stepping out of the elevator, I made a beeline for my corner
office (known by some as stall #3). It
was there I heard the almost angelic voice of the unfairly expelled American
Idol hopeful, James I-never-agreed-to-be-in-this-bit Kuhoric, who gave me a
friendly reminder. “Hey, Check, you
better get those Stooges stories in for the Halloween issue. Blah!”
Halloween issue? Didn’t we
already do a couple of those? And that’s
when it hit me like a 3 a.m. burrito! Three
years! We’ve been churning out Three
Stooges comics for a whole three years!
Impossible you say? I
say thee nay, yon knuckleheads. Our
first Three Stooges comic, “The Boys are Back” came out waayyyy back in early twenty-odd
sixteen. I don’t even think there was
internet back then. The even better part
is that I’ve had a hand in just about every one of those issues. Getting to contribute to just one book was a
writer’s dream for me, but to keep coming back and creating new adventures for
The Boys is something I’ll always be proud of.
This third Halloween issue, Monsters & Mayhem, takes up
back for one last romp around Castle Frankenstooge to finish out our little
trilogy of terror. If you haven’t
already – make sure to pick up the first two Frankenstooge comics, Curse of Frankenstooge, and Return to Castle Frankenstooge, over at the American Mythology shop
online. And If you liked our homage to
Edgar Allan Poe in this issue, you need to check out The Island of Dr. Moron back in the 2017 Halloween comic. It’s a howl.
Yeah, pun totally intended.
Along the way, we’ve also elected Curly president, sent the
boys back in time to the local Renaissance Fair, watched them work as window
washers, fast food workers, and even save Christmas – sort of. To say there’s a lot of talented contributors
involved in each book is a major understatement. I also really want to thank each and every
reader who continues to support the books!
You folks are the best, and it’s always appreciated!
American Mythology still has big plans for the Three Stooges
in the coming months leading into 2019, so stick around and enjoy the
show. Maybe they’ll even let me scribble
out a few more stories before they come to their senses. Remember. Be a Stooge!
Read Comics! Three Nyuks Always
Make a Right!
S.A. Check
Make sure you stop over at the AM SHOP and check out all The Three Stooges comics available there! We always try to give extra nyuk for your buck!