Friday, February 22, 2013

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday

          Welcome to another writing snippet contribution for Science Fiction Saturday Saturday.  I hope everyone’s been enjoying Sam’s adventures from my WIP – Myth-In-Law and have followed along as Sam tries to get this mysterious book of his open.  I hope you enjoy this week’s snippet enough to leave a comment or two along the way.  They really help to gauge how well the story is moving along.  Please take some time to check out ALL the great writing happening over at the main site –  A lot of talented writers contribute every week and provide some great weekend reading. 

          Jumping from his chair, Sam dashed between two of the shelves that comprised the Livingwood family library.  Books held a special place in Sam’s heart.  Every week for nearly five years after Sam’s dad disappeared, he and his grandfather travelled to flea markets and garage sales, scouring boxes and car trunks for rare volumes.   He brushed his hand down a row of books, picking one from the stacks; The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.  
          Sam’s dad credited Washington Irving, who wrote under the pseudonym of Crayon, with helping to bring American literature to the masses.  He opened the collection of short stories to the well-worn thumb marked beginning to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  Sam remembered sitting with his dad in that same room, reading passages by firelight on snowed in winter nights but those memories became harder to recall.  Flipping through the book, he scoured the pages for hand written note in the margins, anything that may hold a hidden meaning.
          Disgusted, Sam slammed the book shut before noticing a tear in the binding and a glint of metal inside.
          “No way.”


  1. Can't wait for next week. What is this 'metal' of which you speak?

  2. Great ending to the snippet...way to pull off the cliffhanger.

    1. Here at Snippet-Cliffhangers-R-Us, we strive to maintain customer satisfaction. Thanks!

  3. Well done. I'm just reading casually along and then just like the Coyote in the old cartoons, CLANG! into the metal wall. :)

    1. I don't know if head trauma is covered under my writer's insurance. Ill get back to you. Thanks for the comments!

  4. What is it? WHAT IS IT?! Great way to sneak that in.

    1. Thanks, Patrick. Maybe another eight or nine snippets and he'll finally get the dang thing open. Ha. Next week's installment - a quick Soduko challenge!

  5. It's in my contract S.C. I have to end the snippet at a pivotal point. I also get three 15 minute breaks and I'm off President's Day. Union rules.

  6. Replies
    1. Two books, the one given by the human twister and the second is from Sam's family library.

  7. Way! (I know, Caffrey beat me to the punch, AGAIN. Whatever.) I want to know what happens next, but I'm also suppressing my rage that someone would deface a rare book.

  8. It's still funny the second time! I wondered if anyone would have an issue with the literary vandalism. There are extreme circumstances. Maybe just a warning this time.
